1. 分析被投诉原因
2. 侵权申诉邮件模板示例
Dear xxx:
I am a principal of(Your Store). I am writing to...
Root Cause of the Issue:
We send follow-up e-mails to dissatisfied customers requesting the customer "reply to this e-mail directly"to resolve the issue, so as not to use Amazon\'s customer service
- Since we mistakenly were guiding them around the Amazon customer service team, we believe Amazon may have identified this as manipulation.
-However, these e-mails were not manipulating the customer for reviews but rather directing them to our store so we could resolve the situation as soon as possible...
3. 立即实施的补救措施
We have implemented the following Corrective Measures to immediately correct our mistake:
-Retracted our statement offering discounts in exchange for reviews.
-Contacted customers who purchased our products from other e-commerce platforms to instruct them to only write reviews on the e-commerce platform where they purchased the product, providing a link to direct them to the appropriate venue to write a review...
4. 未来的预防措施
Preventative Measures:
-Reevaluated our entire business practice and implemented the following:
Hired additional staff to review Amazon’s policies on a routine basis to ensure we are in compliance with all of existing Amazon’s policies as well as future policies.
-Conduct weekly reviews of our business practices to ensure that the company is in full compliance with Amazon\' s policies...
5. 不同情况的应对方式
(2)若多次发邮件询问对方却无回应,可联系亚马逊。确定侵权原因后,又分两种情况:一是我方确实侵权,此时建议下架可能侵权的 Listing,再诚恳地写邮件申诉,表明不会再犯并提出后续改善方案;二是我方不侵权或存在争议,若多次联系投诉方无回应,可将不侵权的分析证据提交给亚马逊官方。