同个产品下了两单,分别给不同的中介,用两个paypal 账号来要返款,最后只反馈一个review,而且还在后台申请退款 paypal 账号: setoranapp@gmail.com Loveybear47@gmail.com
<p>拿了8个paypal号来骗人,说是推荐朋友。下单的都取消了,后面还给假单号。还说朋友因为没收到钱骂他,明明连单都没下,谎话连篇,戏精一个。怎么现在卖家之家下面留言搜索不到了,我一条条提交也得给他曝光了,死骗子!! !</p>
<p>Scammer, posing as an agent or seller, looks for reviewers for expensive products, uses their profile to contact the real seller. When the unsuspecting reviewer writes the review, the scammer
Be careful, this jerk contacts several different intermediaries asking everyone for the same product, and then sends everyone the same order, the same screenshots, the same review etc! Be careful! A g