On June 19, 2020, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (Office or USPTO) issued a notice of proposed rule making to set or increase certain trademark fees. The proposed fee adjustments are needed to provide the Office with a sufficient amount of aggregate revenue to recover the aggregate cost of Trademark and Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) operations in future years (based on current projections) and to allow the Office to continue progress towards achieving strategic goals.
2020年6月19日,美国专利商标局(USPTO)发布了拟设置或增加某些商标费用的通知。 此次进行费用调整的目的是让商标局有足够的总收入来覆盖商标和商标审判与上诉委员会(TTAB)未来几年的运营总成本(基于当前预测),并使商标局能够继续在实现战略目标方面取得进展。
The goal of fee setting at the USPTO is to provide sufficient financial resources to facilitate the effective administration of the United States intellectual property (IP) system.The USPTO has developed trademark fee proposals aligned with Strategic Plan goals and policy objectives that would generate sufficient aggregate revenue to meet future strategic trademark and TTAB operational requirements including associated administrative costs.
- The fee-setting goals:
1. Better aligning fees with costs
2. Protecting the integrity of the trademark register
3. Improving the efficiency of USPTO processes
4. Ensuring financial stability to facilitate effective trademark operations
1. 更好地将费用与成本相结合
2. 保护商标注册的完整性
3. 提高美国专利商标局流程的效率
4. 确保财务稳定以促进有效的商标运营
The USPTO proposes adjusting the following fees:
1. Application filing
2. Affidavits under section 8 and71
3. Petitions to the Director
4. TTAB opposition, appeal and trial proceedings
1. 申请
2. 第8和71条规定的宣誓
3. 给局长的请愿书
4. 商标审理与上诉委员会的异议、上诉和审判程序
The USPTO proposes adding the following new fees:
1. Filing a second or subsequent request for an extension of time to file an appeal brief
2. Oral hearing
3. Letter of Protest
4. Request for reconsideration more than 3 months after an office action
5. Deleting goods, services, and/or classes after filing an affidavit under section 8 or 71
1. 提交第二次或随后的延期请求,以提出上诉摘要
2. 口审
3. 抗议信
4. 审查意见发出之日起3个月以上要求复议
5. 根据第8或71条提交宣誓后,删除商品、服务和/或分类
Application filing fees
费用说明 | 调整前费用 | 调整后费用 |
纸件申请/类 | $600 | $750 |
TEAS 非规范申请/类 | $275 | $350 |
TEAS 规范申请/类 | $225 | $250 |
根据66(a) 条款申请/类 | $400 | $500 |
- Applicants filing an application under 66(a) through the Madrid Protocol will pay the equivalent of $500 in Swiss francs.
- 根据《马德里议定书》根据第66(a)条提交申请的申请人将用瑞士法郎支付相当于500美元的费用。
Affidavits under section 8 and 71 of the act
费用说明 | 调整前费用 | 调整后费用 |
以纸质文件形式提交使用宣誓的费用/类 | $225 | $325 |
通过TEAS提交使用宣誓的费用/类 | $125 | $225 |
申请提交之后、使用宣誓审查完成之前,以纸质文件形式提交请求删除商品、服务及/或类别的费用/类 | $0 | $350 |
申请提交之后、使用宣誓审查完成之前,通过TEAS提交请求删除商品、服务及/或类别的费用/类 | $0 | $250 |
- New fees will be added to encourage registrants to maintain an accurate registration of goods and services in use prior to the filing of an affidavit or renewal.
- No fee will be charged to amend the goods, services or classes if the request is made prior to filing the section 8 or 71 affidavit.
- 费用上调的目的在于鼓励商标注册人在提交使用宣誓或续展之前,选择合适的、实际已经投入使用的商品和服务项目进行维护注册。
- 在提交使用宣誓之前,请求修改商品、服务或类别将不收取任何费用。
Petition fees
费用说明 | 调整前费用 | 调整后费用 |
在条款 §2.146 & §2.147下的纸质申请 | 200美元 | 350美元 |
在条款§2.146 & §2.147下通过商标电子申请系统(TEAS)申请 | 100美元 | 250美元 |
在条款 §2.66下的纸质申请 | 200美元 | 250美元 |
在条款 §2.66下通过商标电子申请系统(TEAS)提出申请 | 100美元 | 150美元 |
在条款§2.149下提交抗议信 | 0美元 | 50美元 |
New fees will be added to file a letter of protest to recognize that there are costs associated with the processing of the request and to address frivolous filings.
Request for reconsideration
费用说明 | 调整前费用 | 调整后费用 |
最终审查意见下发后三个月内提交复议申请 | $0 | $0 |
最终审查意见下发后的第四到六个月内,或其他审查意见答复截止后的三个月内,提交复议申请的纸质件 | $0 | $500 |
通过电子系统(TEAS 或ESTTA),在最终审查意见下发后的第四到六个月内,或其他审查意见答复截止后的三个月内提交复议申请 | $0 | $400 |
1. New fees will be added to encourage more timely resolution of office actions.
2. No fees will charged if the request is filed within three month of the office action.
1. 此次上调的费用是为了激励申请人对审查意见进行更及时的答复。
2. 如在审查意见下发后三个月内提交复议申请,无费用产生。
TTAB cancellation and opposition fees
费用说明 | 调整前费用 | 调整后费用 |
提撤销(纸质)/类 | $500 | $700 |
提撤销(通过ESTTA 系统)/类 | $400 | $600 |
提异议(纸质)/类 | $500 | $700 |
提异议(通过ESTTA 系统)/类 | $400 | $600 |
延期提交异议申请(纸质),根据§ 2.102(c)(1)(ii) or (c)(2) | $200 | $400 |
延期提交异议申请(通过ESTTA 系统),根据§ 2.102(c)(1)(ii) or (c)(2) | $100 | $200 |
延期提交异议申请(纸质),根据§ 2.102(c)(3) | $300 | $500 |
延期提交异议申请(通过ESTTA 系统),根据§ 2.102(c)(3) | $200 | $400 |
TTAB appeal and trial fees
费用说明 | 调整前费用 | 调整后费用 |
提交书面撤销申请/类 | $500 | $700 |
通过ESTTA提交撤销申请/类 | $400 | $600 |
提交书面异议申请/类 | $500 | $700 |
通过ESTTA提交异议申请/类 | $400 | $600 |
基于第二部102条(c)(1)(ii) 或(c)(2)项书面请求延长异议提交时间 | $200 | $400 |
基于第二部102条(c)(1)(ii) 或(c)(2)项通过ESTTA请求延长异议提交时间 | $100 | $200 |
基于第二部102条(c)(3)项书面请求延长异议提交时间 | $300 | $500 |
基于第二部102条(c)(3)项通过ESTTA请求延长异议提交时间 | $200 | $400 |
The proposed fee schedule does not impose undue or disproportionate burdens on smaller entities as it treats all fee payers the same and there are lower cost filing options available to all who chose to send a more complete application.
Trademark applicants and owners can expect progress towards optimizing trademark application pendency, issuing high quality trademarks, fostering business effectiveness and improved customer experience, enhancing the operations of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, optimizing the quality and efficiency of information technology to improve business operations, and ensuring financial sustainability to facilitate effective operations.
The USPTO anticipates that the earliest any proposed trademark fee changes could take effect is October 2020. Written comments must be received on or before August 3, 2020. Comments be submitted electronically via email to TMFRNotices@uspto.gov.