In light of Russia’s continuing war of aggression against Ukraine, and the reported atrocities committed by Russian armed forces in Ukraine, the Council decided today to impose a fifth package of economic and individual sanctions against Russia.鉴于俄罗斯对乌克兰的侵略战争持续不断,以及据报道俄罗斯武装部队在乌克兰犯下的暴行,安理会今天决定对俄罗斯实施第五套经济和个人制裁。
The agreed package includes a series of measures intended to reinforce pressure on the Russian government and economy, and to limit the Kremlin’s resources for the aggression.商定的一揽子计划包括一系列措施,旨在加强对俄罗斯政府和经济的压力,并限制克里姆林宫的侵略资源。
These latest sanctions were adopted following the atrocities committed by Russian armed forces in Bucha and other places under Russian occupation. The aim of our sanctions is to stop the reckless, inhuman and aggressive behaviour of the Russian troops and make clear to the decision makers in the Kremlin that their illegal aggression comes at a heavy cost.这些最新的制裁措施是在俄罗斯武装部队在布哈和俄罗斯占领的其他地方犯下的暴行之后采取的。我们制裁的目的是制止俄罗斯军队鲁莽、不人道和侵略性的行为,并向克里姆林宫的决策者表明,他们的非法侵略付出了沉重的代价。---Josep Borrell,外交和安全政策高级代表
The package comprises:
- a prohibition to purchase, import or transfer coal and other solid fossil fuels into the EU if they originate in Russia or are exported from Russia, as from August 2022. Imports of coal into the EU are currently worth EUR 8 billion per year.- 自 2022 年 8 月起,禁止向欧盟购买、进口或转移原产于俄罗斯或从俄罗斯出口的煤炭和其他固体化石燃料。欧盟目前每年进口的煤炭价值 80 亿欧元。
- a prohibition to provide access to EU ports to vessels registered under the flag of Russia. Derogations are granted for agricultural and food products, humanitarian aid, and energy.- 禁止向在俄罗斯国旗下注册的船只提供进入欧盟港口的通道。对农产品和食品、人道主义援助和能源给予减损。
- a ban on any Russian and Belarusian road transport undertaking preventing them from transporting goods by road within the EU, including in transit. Derogations are nonetheless granted for a number of products, such as pharmaceutical, medical, agricultural and food products, including wheat, and for road transport for humanitarian purposes.- 禁止任何俄罗斯和白俄罗斯的公路运输业务,阻止他们在欧盟境内通过公路运输货物,包括过境货物。尽管如此,许多产品,如药品、医疗、农产品和食品,包括小麦,以及出于人道主义目的的公路运输,都可以减免。
- further export bans, targeting jet fuel and other goods such as quantum computers and advanced semiconductors, high-end electronics, software, sensitive machinery and transportation equipment, and new import bans on products such as: wood, cement, fertilisers, seafood and liquor. The agreed export and import bans only account for EUR 10 billion and EUR 5.5 billion respectively.- 进一步的出口禁令,针对喷气燃料和其他商品,如量子计算机和先进半导体、高端电子产品、软件、敏感机械和运输设备,以及对木材、水泥、化肥、海产品和酒等产品的新进口禁令. 商定的出口和进口禁令分别仅占 100 亿欧元和 55 亿欧元。
- a series of targeted economic measures intended to strengthen existing measures and close loopholes, such as: a general EU ban on participation of Russian companies in public procurement in member states, the exclusion of all financial support to Russian public bodies. an extended prohibition on deposits to crypto-wallets, and on the sale of banknotes and transferrable securities denominated in any official currencies of the EU member states to Russia and Belarus, or to any natural or legal person, entity or body in Russia and Belarus,.- 一系列旨在加强现有措施和填补漏洞的有针对性的经济措施,例如:欧盟全面禁止俄罗斯公司参与成员国的公共采购,排除对俄罗斯公共机构的所有财政支持。延长禁止向加密钱包存款,以及向俄罗斯和白俄罗斯或俄罗斯和白俄罗斯的任何自然人或法人、实体或团体出售以欧盟成员国任何官方货币计价的纸币和可转让证券, .
Furthermore, the Council decided to sanction companies whose products or technology have played a role in the invasion, key oligarchs and businesspeople, high-ranking Kremlin officials, proponents of disinformation and information manipulation, systematically spreading the Kremlin’s narrative on Russia's war aggression in Ukraine, as well as family members of already sanctioned individuals, in order to make sure that EU sanctions are not circumvented.此外,安理会决定制裁其产品或技术在入侵中发挥作用的公司、关键寡头和商人、克里姆林宫高级官员、虚假信息和信息操纵的支持者,系统地传播克里姆林宫关于俄罗斯战争侵略乌克兰的叙述,以及已经受到制裁的个人的家庭成员,以确保欧盟制裁不被规避。
Moreover a full transaction ban is imposed on four key Russian banks representing 23% of market share in the Russian banking sector. After being de-SWIFTed these banks will now be subject to an asset freeze, thereby being completely cut off from EU markets.此外,对占俄罗斯银行业市场份额 23% 的四家主要俄罗斯银行实施全面交易禁令。在去 SWIFT 之后,这些银行现在将受到资产冻结,从而完全与欧盟市场隔绝。
In its conclusions of 24 March 2022, the European Council stated that the Union remains ready to close loopholes and target actual and possible circumvention of the restrictive measures already adopted, as well as to move quickly with further coordinated robust sanctions on Russia and Belarus to effectively thwart Russian abilities to continue the aggression.欧洲理事会在 2022 年 3 月 24 日的结论中表示,欧盟仍准备好填补漏洞,针对实际和可能规避已经采取的限制性措施,并迅速采取行动,进一步协调对俄罗斯和白俄罗斯实施严厉制裁,以有效挫败俄罗斯继续侵略的能力。
Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine grossly violates international law and is causing massive loss of life and injury to civilians. Russia is directing attacks against the civilian population and is targeting civilian objects, including hospitals, medical facilities, schools and shelters. These war crimes must stop immediately. Those responsible, and their accomplices, will be held to account in accordance with international law. The siege of Mariupol and other Ukrainian cities, and the denial of humanitarian access by Russian military forces are unacceptable. Russian forces must immediately provide for safe pathways to other parts of Ukraine, as well as humanitarian aid to be delivered to Mariupol and other besieged cities.俄罗斯对乌克兰的侵略战争严重违反国际法,正在造成大量人员伤亡。俄罗斯直接攻击平民,目标是民用物体,包括医院、医疗设施、学校和避难所。这些战争罪行必须立即停止。责任人及其同谋将根据国际法被追究责任。对马里乌波尔和其他乌克兰城市的围困以及俄罗斯军队拒绝人道主义准入是不可接受的。俄罗斯军队必须立即提供通往乌克兰其他地区的安全通道,并向马里乌波尔和其他被围困的城市提供人道主义援助。
The European Council demands that Russia immediately stop its military aggression in the territory of Ukraine, immediately and unconditionally withdraw all forces and military equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine, and fully respect Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence within its internationally recognised borders.欧洲理事会要求俄罗斯立即停止对乌克兰领土的军事侵略,立即无条件从乌克兰全境撤出一切兵力和军事装备,充分尊重乌克兰在国际公认边界内的领土完整、主权和独立。