Dear Seller,
We would like to inform you that Amazon is an approved provider of fulfilment services in UK under the Fulfilment House Due Diligence Scheme (FHDDS), which is a licensing requirement introduced by the UK Government from April 1, 2019 for all operators of fulfilment houses in UK.
As an approved fulfilment house operator, Amazon is required to maintain certain records related to goods stored in Amazon UK fulfilment centres on behalf of non-EU established sellers, which have a non-EU origin. If you are a non-EU Seller sending inventory to Amazon’s UK fulfilment centres, Amazon is required to maintain a record of the following information from your selling account:
• Name and contact details.
• Validated UK VAT registration number (VRN). For more details, refer to the following link: https://services.amazon.co.uk/services/fulfilment-by-amazon/vat-resources.html
• Inventory record, including quantity and description of any goods of non-EU origin stored in our fulfilment centres.
• Any Import Entry Numbers (IENs) for those goods for each shipment to Amazon’s UK fulfilment centres.
Amazon already has records of your contact details, VRN, and maintains inventory records for goods stored under FBA. From April 1, 2019, you will be able to upload Import Entry Numbers (IEN) for any shipments to Amazon’s UK fulfilment centres, where you have an IEN number.
For more information, including a summary of the obligations which FHDDS places upon Amazon as an approved fulfilment house operator, please refer to the following help page: https://sellercentral-europe.amazon.com/gp/help/G97ZA85WXA334DR2.
Amazon Services UK
Import Entry Number 简称IEN, 英国IEN号码就是H2&E2&C88的报关单号,一般是以码头代码+7位编码+日期,例如:071-066808T-28/11/2018。只要进口清关缴税后C88文件上都会有这个编码。卖家如果用自己税号清关,那么C88上面就会有一个单独的IEN编码。
在商品进口到欧盟时,由欧盟海关当局为其分配进口条目编号 (IEN) 。当您的货件进入欧盟并向海关当局申报时,货件将被分配一个 IEN。IEN 是向海关申报者签发的,其可能是您的物流代理或货运代理。
如果您使用货运代理,他们可以与您联系发送IEN。但是可能存在没有为货件分配 IEN 或您可能无法获取这些货件的情况。进口商品时,请与您的物流提供商/承运人或海关当局核实。