Freight Logistics Optimization Works FLOW 是什么?
直白的说是拜登政府宣布改善供应链数据流的新举措,详细完整的内容在下面,Freight Logistics Optimization Works FLOW 具体是什么意思呢,实际就是更智能是数字化。
The initiative called Freight Logistics Optimization Works (FLOW), is an information sharing initiative to pilot key freight information exchange between the various segments of the supply chain aimed at moving the transportation logistics system into 21st century digitization.这项名为 "货运物流优化工程"(FLOW)的倡议是一项信息共享倡议,旨在试点供应链各环节之间的关键货运信息交流,旨在将运输物流系统推向21世纪的数字化。
Freight Logistics Optimization Works (FLOW) -- WH/DOT announce freight supply chain data initiative (3.15.22)
1) Fact Sheet: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Initiative to Improve Supply Chain Data Flow 概况介绍。拜登-哈里斯政府宣布改善供应链数据流的新举措
Freight Logistics Optimization Works (FLOW) Will Speed Up Delivery Times and Reduce Consumer Costs.货运物流优化工程(FLOW)将加快交货时间并降低消费者成本
White House to Host Launch Event Today with Key Industry Stakeholders白宫今天将与主要行业利益相关者举行启动仪式.
[T]he Biden-Harris Administration is announcing the launch of Freight Logistics Optimization Works (FLOW), an information sharing initiative to pilot key freight information exchange between parts of the goods movement supply chain. [拜登-哈里斯政府宣布启动货运物流优化工程(FLOW),这是一项信息共享倡议,旨在试行货物运输供应链各环节之间的关键货运信息交流。
FLOW includes eighteen initial participants that represent diverse perspectives across the supply chain, including private businesses, trucking, warehousing, and logistics companies, ports, and more. FLOW包括18个初始参与者,代表了整个供应链的不同观点,包括私营企业、卡车运输、仓储和物流公司、港口等等。
These key stakeholders will work together with the Administration to develop a proof-of-concept information exchange to ease supply chain congestion, speed up the movement of goods, and ultimately cut costs for American consumers. 这些关键的利益相关者将与政府合作,开发一个概念验证的信息交换,以缓解供应链的拥堵,加快货物的流动,并最终为美国消费者降低成本。
DOT will lead this effort, playing the role of an honest broker and convener to bring supply chain stakeholders together to problem solve and overcome coordination challenges. This initial phase aims to produce a proof-of-concept freight information exchange by the end of the summer.交通部将领导这项工作,发挥诚实的经纪人和召集人的作用,使供应链上的利益相关者一起解决问题,克服协调方面的挑战。这个初始阶段的目标是在夏季结束前产生一个概念验证的货运信息交换。
A Novel Data Sharing Partnership新颖的数据共享伙伴关系
Recent supply chain disruptions have raised national awareness of the need for improved information exchange. 最近的供应链中断事件提高了国家对改善信息交流需求的认识。
Supply chain stakeholders deserve reliable, predictable, and accurate information about goods movement and FLOW will test the idea that cooperation on foundational freight digital infrastructure is in the interest of both public and private parties.供应链上的利益相关者应该得到可靠的、可预测的和准确的货物运输信息,FLOW将检验在基础货运数字基础设施上的合作是否符合公共和私人各方的利益的想法。
is designed to support businesses throughout the supply chain and
improve accuracy of information from end-to-end for a more resilient
supply chain.FLOW旨在支持整个供应链上的企业,并提高端到端的信息准确性,以建立一个更具弹性的供应链。
Resiliency—the ability to recover from an unexpected shock—requires visibility, agility, and redundancy. 弹性--从意外冲击中恢复的能力--需要可见性、敏捷性和冗余性。
The lack of digital infrastructure and transparency makes our supply chains brittle and unable to adapt when faced with a shock. 数字化基础设施和透明度的缺乏使我们的供应链变得很脆弱,在面临冲击时无法适应。
The goods movement chain is almost entirely privately operated and spans shipping lines, ports, terminal operators, truckers, railroads, warehouses, and cargo owners such as retailers. 货物运输链几乎完全由私人经营,横跨航运公司、港口、码头运营商、卡车司机、铁路、仓库以及零售商等货主。
These different actors have made great strides in digitizing their own internal operations, but they do not always exchange information with each other. 这些不同的行为者在将他们自己的内部运作数字化方面取得了巨大的进步,但他们并不总是相互交换信息。
This lack of information exchange can cause delays as cargo moves from one part of the supply chain to another, driving up costs and increasing goods movement fragility.当货物从供应链的一个部分转移到另一个部分时,这种信息交流的缺乏会造成延误,从而推高成本并增加货物流动的脆弱性。
This effort shows a strong and deliberate response by the Administration to tackle this challenge head-on and set the country on the right trajectory for a resilient and globally competitive 21st century goods movement chain. 这一努力显示了政府为正面应对这一挑战而作出的有力和深思熟虑的反应,并使国家走上正确的轨道,建立一个有弹性和具有全球竞争力的21世纪货物运输链。
The Biden-Harris Administration is laser focused and creative in identifying ways to speed up the movement of goods from ships to shelves and cut costs for American consumers. 拜登-哈里斯政府在确定如何加快货物从船舶到货架的流动并为美国消费者削减成本方面,具有高度的关注和创造性。
With FLOW, the Biden Administration will play a leadership role in bringing companies together to problem solve for the American people. Initial partners in FLOW include:通过FLOW,拜登政府将发挥领导作用,使各公司共同为美国人民解决问题。FLOW的最初合作伙伴包括
Port Authorities:
Port of Long Beach
Port of Los Angeles
Georgia Ports Authority
Ocean Carriers:
Terminal Operators:
Fenix Marine Terminal
Global Container Terminals
Gemini Shippers
Land O’ Lakes
True Value
CH Robinson
Logistics and Warehousing:
These first partners are committed to working with the Biden-Harris Administration to identify and operationalize a first information exchange that will support a more resilient and fluid supply chain. 这些首批合作伙伴致力于与拜登-哈里斯政府合作,确定并实施第一个信息交换,以支持一个更具弹性和流动性的供应链。
They represent stakeholders throughout the supply chain including large BCOs (beneficial cargo owners) like Target, small and medium size businesses represented by True Value and Gemini Shippers, as well as agricultural producers such as Land O’Lakes.他们代表了整个供应链的利益相关者,包括像塔吉特这样的大型BCO(受益货主)、以True Value和Gemini Shippers为代表的中小型企业,以及Land O'Lakes这样的农业生产者。
FLOW will be able to address issues such as ensuring early return dates are consistent across partners, measuring more accurate chassis availability and understanding aggregate dwell time throughout the supply chain. FLOW将能够解决一些问题,如确保各合作伙伴的提前归还日期一致,测量更准确的底盘可用性,以及了解整个供应链的总停留时间。
The principles of the pilot include the following: it is a voluntary, secure national exchange for freight information, it is available to participants who share data, and it is sustained by supply chain operational improvement.该试点的原则包括:它是一个自愿的、安全的全国性货运信息交换,它提供给分享数据的参与者,并通过供应链的运营改进来维持。
For additional interested parties, the Biden-Harris Administration is launching a webpage to gauge additional stakeholder interest in supporting foundational freight infrastructure:对于其他感兴趣的各方,拜登-哈里斯政府正在推出一个网页,以衡量其他利益相关者对支持基础货运基础设施的兴趣。
While starting with a limited pilot, DOT wants to hear from others who are interested in engaging as part of FLOW as a participant as the initiative grows. 虽然从有限的试点开始,交通部希望听到其他有兴趣作为参与者参与FLOW的人,随着该倡议的发展。
Within one month of the FLOW launch, DOT will launch a web page to gauge industry interest in participation and data sharing for a potential long-term FLOW effort.在FLOW启动后的一个月内,交通部将推出一个网页,以衡量行业对参与和数据共享的兴趣,以实现潜在的长期FLOW努力。
2) Readout of Supply Chain Event Launching Data Initiative for Greater Supply Chain Resilience供应链活动启动数据倡议以提高供应链复原力的解读
3) Industry Leaders Endorse Biden-Harris Administration Initiative to Improve Supply Chain, Increase Data Sharing (DOT news release)行业领袖支持拜登-哈里斯政府改善供应链、增加数据共享的倡议(DOT新闻发布)。
Today, the Biden-Harris Administration and U.S. Department of Transportation announced the launch of a major supply chain initiative, Freight Logistics Optimization Works (FLOW), to help speed up delivery times and reduce consumer costs.今天,拜登-哈里斯政府和美国交通部宣布启动一项重要的供应链倡议,即货运物流优化工程(FLOW),以帮助加快交货时间并降低消费者成本。
FLOW is an information sharing initiative to pilot key freight information exchange between parts of the goods movement supply chain.FLOW是一个信息共享计划,在货物运输供应链的各个部分之间试行关键的货运信息交流。
It includes eighteen initial participants that represent diverse perspectives across the supply chain, including private businesses, trucking, warehousing, and logistics companies, ports, and more — with the hope and expectation to include more partners going forward.它包括18个初始参与者,代表了整个供应链的不同观点,包括私营企业、卡车运输、仓储和物流公司、港口等--希望并期望今后能包括更多的合作伙伴。
These key stakeholders will work together with the Administration to develop an information exchange to ease supply chain congestion, speed up the movement of goods, and ultimately cut costs for Americans.这些关键的利益相关者将与政府一起工作,开发信息交流,以缓解供应链的拥堵,加快货物的流动,并最终为美国人削减成本.
FLOW builds on the Biden Administration’s continued efforts to address supply chain challenges in both the short term and the long term. FLOW建立在拜登政府为解决短期和长期的供应链挑战所做的持续努力之上。