看了此篇文章再不知道如何安全有效做亚马逊站内VP review 你来搞我人
关于如何安全有效做亚马逊vp review我写了四篇了,这篇微信公众号文章可能最后一篇关于如何安全有效做亚马逊VP review的文章,这次文章将和大家分享包括之前没有发表的细节包括买家购买细节和买家如何写或卖家如何告知测评人写review,同时近期将教大家跟踪竞争对手,特别是成人用品。此篇文章首发在知无不言ID 爱挥的鱼个人频道上,其实我分享了这么多关于亚马逊vp review,大家不难发现,review是否安全优质60%取决于留评的reviewer,同样此篇文章我更多的建议和方法是针对留评人的。接下来开始我的分享
下面的建议和方法针对买家(测评人 刷单人):
4:注意留评节奏,一个礼拜最好控制在5个评价以内,多了账户异常导致亚马逊封买家账号不能留评,同时也不要天天去留评,可以一天留两个,同时隔三岔五留一个。同时控制留评的比例,不要买的产品100%留评,这样显得太不正常了。 (鉴于现在发现部分买家确实是一天好几个评价,一个月下来四五十个评价,这样风险太高了 这一点确实需要非常注意!!!所以亚马逊的卖家朋友送测前一定要求你提供个人profile的。)
6.2.浏览同类型的店铺产品3 到五个,添加一个到购物车(不下单付款),
7:买家最好在收到产品一个礼拜后留评,通过研究很多helpful最多的评论发现,每个review最好字数控制到300到500之间,不要太长也不要太短。至于如何写review,个人建议从三点着手,我们一起来分析anker 卖的很好的座充下的helpful最多的review(为了避免大家点击进去更此产品带来很多无效流量,就不公布出链接了)
I am giving this 5 star because the product is as advertised and some of the negative views I see are somewhat unfair.
The item is a merger of two functions, of storing energy and being a wall charger, and like all merging, it has to move to a compromise of moving from doing 1 thing well to 2 things less well, and that in no way makes it a worse product, but means you need a specific situation for this to be the right answer to your problem.
On receipt I stress-tested my unit for it to be physically working, and to work as claimed, which it passed. It is the Watt claimed and mah claimed. I used a OnePlus2 drained battery phone turned off and recharged it to 100% and there was a little bit of Fusion battery left which tallies with 5000mah (3.7V / 5V = 0.74, and 0.74 x 5000 = 3700, so allowing for 10% energy loss = 3330mah and the OnePlus2 is 3000mah so I'd expect 1.1 recharges). Some reviewers don't realise you cannot use Mah vs Mah as the volts are different. The Amp output is true, I used a USB meter and when attaching a sufficiently hungry draining device I got 2.1A, about 5.2V and 10.9W so a little over the stated maximum.
Where this product fits is where you basically want simplicity of a wall charger with a bit of portable power, so more for a EDC in a typical working day type situation of charge phone/tablet when near wall power and a bit of top-up portable power if you're busy on the device and moving.
Where this product does not fit is if you're really power hungry, in that it is only a 10.5W output wall charger so cannot recharge 2 large devices quickly, and it is only 5000mah so it cannot recharge large devices (or small devices multiple times). If you are carrying large devices (tablets usually) then you're likely wanting to make more speedy ingest time when at wall socker with a higher Wattage wall charger, and if you have a long time moving away from wall socket then likely a larger mah battery.
As a battery it is huge, it is bigger than a 10000mah with only 5000mah.
As a wall socket charger it is huge, 10.5W in a huge device.
But if you are carrying now a small wall socket charger and a small USB battery, this is a combined smaller simpler solution.
So this is more a top-up EDC for a typical day with your phone situation.
这个是reviewer首先概述分析了产品的特点点The item is a merger of two functions, of storing energy and being a wall charger, and like all merging, it has to move to a compromise of moving from doing 1 thing well to 2 things less well, and that in no way makes it a worse product, but means you need a specific situation for this to be the right answer to your problem.
接下来一句话详细描述产品的卖点,特别是这句很专业地点评讲出了很多测评人没发现的特点Some reviewers don't realise you cannot use Mah vs Mah as the volts are different. The Amp output is true, I used a USB meter and when attaching a sufficiently hungry draining device I got 2.1A, about 5.2V and 10.9W so a little over the stated maximum.
接下来讲产品适用在哪些地方Where this product fits..
和不适用在哪些地方Where this product does not fit...
通过此篇review,我们不难发现一个合格的review至少包含这样几点,第一点是review对产品的概述; 第二点是对产品卖点的分析; 第三点是产品如何改善会更好; 第四点就是和总结该产品和其他产品的对比;第五点虽然此篇review没反应出来;但是很重要的是:review可以写刚开始由于自己不知道怎么使用产品或产品出现了什么故障,导致自己不满意,卖家耐心及时解答自己的疑问和教自己如何更有趣地使用产品,我觉得这点也是很有必要写的。
2:根据自己产品的正常出单量来让买家留评。例如:不要一个礼拜100单,一个礼拜就有30个评价 ,一般留评率是20%
Buyers: 1: Do not send your own account profile and review link to the seller on Facebook and wechat, send screenshot instead 2. Do not buy two products at the same store (unless the product is complementary including Pot and spatula).
3: do not cancel the order after the refund or review is online
4.do not use a different Amazon account to order in the same shop, the same computer and network and credit cards are easily judged by the Amazon as a related factor.
5: Do not review once you get the stuff ,pls review after you get it a week latter, do not review everything at five stars during a week,pls buy five stuffs and review two or stuffs during a week,just pick up those you are interested in
6:Not only talk about the advantages of the product, but highlights and contrast with the similar product , furthermore, point out the cons of products and review how to improve it
Seller: 1: Do not send your own amazon listing link to the buyer on Facebook and wechat, send keyword and tell reviewer where you listing ranks instead
2.Do not push any reviewer,just remind them a week latter after they get the stuffs
3.refund the reviewer after the order and review,explain why you could not refund and ask the seller cancel the order in special cases
4.Give the reviewer reasonable advice as much as possible on how to use your listing sold and find fun
分享主旨 1. 如何联系红人,借助他们的力量帮忙最快速有效宣传推广亚马逊产品,冲排名和突破流量和销量,提升好的品牌知名度 2.如何安全有效获取亚马逊VP review和自己做或教测评人做review,打破新品无VP review的僵局 3. 如何跟踪竞争对手比如成人用品在站外哪些地方做了推广,解开为什么别人的listing一上就有销量的魔咒
课程大纲 一.如何借助站外deals进行亚马逊销量推广和如何安全有效获取亚马逊VP review 时间1小时 包括大概15分钟讨论时间
3.什么是VP review
4.为什么要做VP review
5.怎么安全有效做VP review
5.1 哪里寻找VP review
5.2 如何和reviewer沟通让他们安全自然下单
5.3 如何安全转账给reviewer
5.4 如何催评
5.5 如何和reviewer维护好关系并和reviewer合作和开发更多的reviewer
二.分享Facebook 和Instagram 和youtube实操注意事项和红人营销和圈粉 时间1小时 包括大概15分钟
讨论时间 1 什么是youtuber和instagram和Facebook 2.为什么要做youtuber和instagram和Facebook推广 3.Instagram和Facebook如何操作避免账号被封和如何申诉被封的账号 4.Instagram和Facebook如何发帖才能获得更多的关注和点赞 5. Instagram和Facebook如何圈粉 6.如何寻找Instagram和Facebook和youtube红人,借助他们的影响力来推广我们的产品
三. 分享PR社交媒体网站和论坛红人营销推广实操 时间:1小时 包括大概15分钟讨论时间
1.什么是论坛和社交媒体网站 2.为什么要做论坛和社交媒体品牌推广 3.如何做论坛推广 3.1 如何寻找自己要推广产品的论坛 3.2 如何注册论坛账号 3.3 如何在论坛上发帖不会容易被封 3.4 如何找论坛红人帮我们产品做review 3.5 如何找水军帮我们顶贴 4.如何利用媒体网站品牌推广 4.1 如何寻找自己要推广产品的媒体网站 4.2 如何利用disqus在媒体网站上留言推广我们的产品 4.3 如何联系到媒体网站编辑和专利作者,给他们付费或免费宣传我们的产品