【老魏聊电商】关于Search Term关键词,看看亚马逊官方说了啥
在亚马逊Listing优化的过程中,关键词的优化是很重要的部分,而关键词在Listing中的体现主要在两部分:标题和Search Term中。由于标题最长只能填写不超过200个字符(有些类目限制不超过80个字符),在200个字符中,除了要体现产品关键词之外,标题还要执行其它打动消费者内心的任务,所以在标题中可以填写的关键词是少之又少的,正是因为此,很多卖家就会把填写关键词的重任放在了Search Term中去。
在亚马逊产品发布过程中,Search Term一共可以填写五行,每一行最多可以填写1000个字符,如此下来,在Search Term中卖家一共可以填写5000个字符进去,但填写的这些关键词的实际效果如何,确实大部分卖家所困惑的。
最近,有卖家在和亚马逊官方联系的过程中,收到了亚马逊官方关于Search Term关键词填写内容而给出的回复,算是作为官方透露的Search Term填写指导,虽然这是一份非官方正式说明,但作为亚马逊内部人的视角,对卖家来说还是有一定的参考意义的。
Dear Seller,
Thank you for writing back to us and letting us know that the issue has been fixed when the keywords are shortened to no more than 250 characters.
Please be informed that I have contacted our concerned team and received a response stating that as the Search team is constantly working to improve the relevance of search results for our customers. This help our sellers too, since we can remove non-relevant products and let sellers compete with smaller result sets of only relevant items.
Our concerned team is running a project on this to help optimize our approach, and have not yet finalized any communication, but that is still in progress.
As of now this is working as designed, the system ignores any generic keywords over 250 bytes for all the categories including health and personal and beauty. In addition, we were also informed that our system do not do partial matching of Generic Keywords fields and it is unlikely that anyone will search for paragraphs of keywords in their entirety.
AS per the help seller can put 1000 characters but our system can index only 250 characters at maximum.
Please know that we currently do not have an option of indexing the keywords to more than 250 characters. I apologize if this policy doesn’t meet your business needs.
I do understand that this may help you for better buyer experience. However, at this time, this feature is not available for our sellers.
As to make sure that you are heard, I have passed your message to the Business team as a feedback, so they are aware of your interest.
As we continue to improve both our platform and our service, input from Sellers like you is valuable. I truly appreciate your suggestion as this is a great input for Amazon to work upon and this can actually be of great help to Sellers as well as Buyers.
If there are changes pertaining to this, Sellers will be notified via Seller Central. We encourage you to keep checking, as functionality is often refined over time.
We strive to make your selling experience on Amazon as eventful as possible and therefore we are willing to extend any help that you may need at any time.
I personally wish I was able to do a lot more in this regard however, as the Policies are determined by our Business team we at Seller Support would not be able to influence those decisions.
We wish you great success in your future endeavors. Have a wonderful day!
● 无论哪个类目的产品,无论你是否写满了5000个字符,亚马逊搜索系统最多只会抓取250个字符;
● 基于A9算法的运算原理,亚马逊要把最精准的产品推送到合适的买家面前,所以只有相关性高的词语才更利于系统抓取,从长远的角度来说,关键词的相关性会转变为转化率,所以,卖家在填写Search Term关键词时,相关性很重要;
● 基于系统只能抓取250个字符这样的情况,大家不要再纠结于是抓取最前面的250个字符呢,还是每一行抓取前边的50个字符,总共汇总为250个呢,老魏我的理解是,系统一定是抓取的最前边的250个字符;
● 因为系统抓取到的字符数骤减,意味着可以被抓取到的关键词数量骤减,卖家在填写Search Term关键词时,不要再填写和标题重复的,单复数变体的,大小写区分的等词语,这类词语可以归为相同的词语,这一点亚马逊的系统智能是可以识别并执行的,通过把这些词语归一,腾出空间来填写更多的和产品相关的词语。