A Marketing Guide for Industry Specific Companies :Technology

Marketing is not a one-size-fits-all business tactic. It's complex and varying at times, but when done effectively, it can truly make your business thrive in any industry. That's why understanding your industry is the key to any successful marketing strategy. No two industries are alike, and because of that, some marketing strategies are more effective than others for specific industries. For example, businesses within the financial sector can initiate a social media campaign to generate more sales. Still, it's safe to say they will not be as effective as a campaign driven by a retail company because of the varying desires or needs of audiences within these two very different industries. But today, we want to talk specifically about the tech industry. Did you know that 70% of upstart tech companies fail within the first two years? Taking a further look into this study, 5 of the 10 reasons for them failing were directly related to the customer or the lack thereof. This is the biggest takeaway for us as marketers/branders since every business survives by listening and communicating with its target audiences.
Building Your Brand and Brand Awareness
Silicon Valley is full of brand stories/promises that sound something similar to envisioning a future landscape of technological advances that make our lives infinitely easier - we've heard it a thousand times. It has become dull, hyperbolic, and disingenuous to the consumer. Your brand needs to be authentic, concise, and, most importantly, enacted daily.Branding is the practice of living an insightful company story, which should consist of three main factors: The value your products generate for your customers, how you differentiate from your competitors, and the journey that motivates customers to connect with your brand. One particular brand that comes to mind that embodies these cornerstones is Mailchimp. Unlike most SaaS or tech companies, Mailchimp doesn't try to be some sleek, futuristic entity that doesn't feel human. They're quirky, fun, relatable, and show throughout every aspect of their business. Despite its content being on the goofier side, it's still highly informative, thus making them one of the most down-to-earth and approachable brands in the tech space.
Remarketing Although often overlooked because tech businesses are hyper-focused on acquiring new leads, remarketing is how industry titans such as Apple are created. You have to live under a rock not to understand how devoted Apple supporters are to their products and the ongoing 'war' between Apple and Android. They have reached new plateaus partly because they understand the importance of remarketing and its direct correlation to customer retention rates. Along with your remarketing efforts comes an increase in brand awareness and conversion in sales. By staying in the eye of prospective and current consumers, you're allowing your company another opportunity to tell your story and engage with audiences in a meaningful way that can even end up attracting your competitor's customers. How to Market Your Industry the Most Effectively WeBranding Global is a full-service creative agency and marketing consulting network driven to help brands fulfill their true potential by connecting them to the world around them.
We work with brands within several industries, including the tech space, and find each one as unique and fulfilling as the next to create strategic marketing plans to better communicate with your target audience.