关注沙之星的卖家都知道,前几天我们有提醒千万不要让别的代理帮你进行墨西哥增值税预扣申报,因为墨西哥税局告诉我们这是不合规的,但是有卖家不太理解税法逻辑,在这个视频里,沙之星给到大家一个清晰的思路,为什么境外跨境电商,不能进行IVA retenciones (增值税预扣申报)?税局系统改版后,申报系统中只有三个选项,分别是ISR retenciones por salarios(工资所得税预扣), ISR retenciones por asimilados a salarios (与工资同化的所得税预扣)和IVA retenciones (增值税预扣)。
然而我们之前还有另外的申报窗口(具体可参照文章末尾申报回执比对)“IMPUESTO AL VALOR AGREGADO”(IVA增值税)
而海外卖家(非居民企业)是销售货物给墨西哥当地人公司或者个人,因此,我们无法使用IVA retenciones (增值税预扣)的方式申报墨西哥增值税。
*注:如果一个公司接受在墨西哥有商业经营活动的个人提供的货物或者服务。公司必须预提增值税(增值税16%中的三分之二)和CIT (ISR 10%),这意味着公司只需要支付6,751.40墨西哥比索。
🔻沙之星跨境墨西哥会计师关于IVA RETENCIONES 的相关引申税法条款,解释如下:
Article 10.-A- Taxpayers who fall into any of the following cases are obliged to withhold the tax transferred to them:第十条。-纳税人有下列情形之一的,有义务代扣代缴税务:I. Are credit institution that acquire assets though dación en pago or judicial fiduciary adjudication;它们是通过dación en pago或司法信义裁决获得资产的信贷机构;II. They are legal entities that:a.Receive independent personal services, or temporarily use or enjoy goods provided or granted by natural persons, respectively接受独立的个人服务,或暂时使用或享受自然人提供或赠与的物品b Acquire waste to be used as an input for their industrial activity or for marketing.e.Receive land transportation services for goods, provided by individuals or legal entitiesd.Receive services provided by commission agents, when they are natural persons.III. They are natural or legal persons who acquire tangible assets, or use or enjoy them temporarily, which they dispose of or grant to residents abroad without permanent establishment in the country.他们是取得有形资产或暂时使用或享有有形资产的自然人或法人,他们将有形资产处置或授予在该国没有常设机构的海外居民。In Mexico there are two types of taxable subjects. 1) Companies 2) People with business that are called "personas físicas"1)公司;2)在墨西哥有商业经营活动的个人被称为“personas físicas”。Mexican companies are obligated to withhold IVA and CIT (ISR) for services received by personas físicas in Mexico. This withholding IVA and CIT are taxes from personas físicas NOT from companies.墨西哥公司有义务为personas físicas在墨西哥接受的服务预扣IVA和ISR(企业所得税)。这些预扣IVA和CIT(企业所得税)是来自在墨西哥有商业经营活动的个人而不是来自墨西哥公司。You may ask yourself: Why don't personas físicas pay their taxes by themselves? Because by Law the obligation to withhold and pay is from Mexican companies.你可能会问自己:为什么personas físicas不自己纳税呢?因为根据法律,扣留和支付的义务是由墨西哥公司承担的。Also, SAT will ask for ISR withholding if companies only inform IVA. Because in this case both taxes are linked.此外,如果墨西哥公司只申报预扣增值税,SAT将要求预扣ISR(企业所得税)。因为在这种情况下,两种税是联系在一起的。We are faced with the impossibility of paying VAT, due to the fact that the sat changed its declaration format, and exclusively allows filing VAT declarations to legal entities resident in Mexico. It omitted to consider that there are legal persons resident abroad without a permanent establishment in the country, who are obliged to pay this tax due to the fact of the sale that they carry out in the national territory.我们面临着不可能缴纳增值税的问题,因为税务局改变了申报格式,只允许向居住在墨西哥的法人实体申报增值税。它没有考虑到居住在国外但在该国没有常设机构的法人,他们有义务缴纳这项税,因为他们在国家领土上进行销售。Nos ha llevado muchos días acercarnos a las autoridades fiscalesmexicanas para encontrar soluciones y pueda nuevamentepresentar las declaraciones a las que estan obligadosPedimos su comprensión ante este hecho que está fuera de nuestrocontrol.