Subject:[品牌名 Startup Journey] You're subscribed to the 品牌名 blog:)
Hey there!
I really appreciate you signing up to get new content from 品牌名.
Over the next few days,I'll send you some highlights with our best content to help you get started. I know that you're super busy, and I do my best to make sure that every email I send is valuable to you.
You can reach me anytime at XXX@XXXX.com(你自己的客服email). You can also follow me on Twitter at XXXX.(Ins或者Facebook)
Thanks again, and if you ever have any questions or feedback, just send me an email--I read and respond to every one.
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Subject:[品牌名's Startup Journey]Start Here
Hi there,
Since launching the store, we've published more than ***(商铺里商品数量,通常数量要多) products.
To make it easier for you to get started, I put together a list of the ten most popular products we've ever sold.
You can find those ten products here:Our Most Popular Products(网站上blog文章的链接)
Hope you enjoy:)
Subject:[XXX(品牌名)'s Startup Journey]The best post you DON'T want to miss it!
Today, I want to share some content I wrote that I think you'll find really valuable.
You can check them out here:
Thanks for reading, and I hope these posts are helpful to you:)