马士基将于 8 月在跨太平洋航线上推出两项新的每周服务,以“独家”运营其与 MSC 和 Zim 包机合作伙伴关系的 2M 联盟。
The two new standalone loops – one from Asia to the US west coast and the other Asia-east coast – would “help normalise the network for our contracted customers”.
TPX 服务将停靠中国盐田和宁波,在洛杉矶 APMT 400 码头转弯,“主要”部署 3,500 teu 的船舶。
The TPX service will call at Yantian and Ningbo in China, turning at APMT Pier 400, Los Angeles, and “primarily” deploy ships of 3,500 teu.
根据上周的一份报告,洛杉矶和长滩的停泊延误已从上周的 30 多艘船闲置的高位放缓至 10 艘停泊在圣佩德罗湾等待泊位的船只。
TP20 环线将通过巴拿马运河停靠中国的头岛、越南、宁波和上海以及美国东海岸的诺福克和巴尔的摩,部署 4,500 teu 的巴拿马型船舶。
马士基表示,受监管合规要求约束的 TPX 和 TP20 环路的增加不会导致其现有网络发生变化,确切的开始日期“将在适当的时候公布”。
Maersk said the addition of the TPX and TP20 loops, which are subject to regulatory compliance requirements, would not result in changes to its existing network and that exact start dates “will be shared in due course”.
万海、HMM 和 Zim 等其他航空公司在跨太平洋航线上增加了额外服务,因为消费者需求依然强劲,而且该航线上的“旺季”前景广阔。
跨太平洋 40 英尺的溢价为 20,000 美元或更高的传闻促使集装箱运输公司将每艘可用的船投入其中。尽管租船租金和燃料成本急剧上升,但由于这些高费率,承运人可以保证获得极其有利可图的航次结果,即使是小型船舶也是如此。
Anecdotal reports of premium rates of $20,000 or more for a 40ft on the transpacific have encouraged the container lines to throw every available ship into the mix. And with these highly elevated rates carriers are guaranteed extremely profitable voyage results, even for smaller-sized vessels, despite the steep rise in charter hire and fuel cost increases.
Maersk, with its stated commitment to long-term contract business, may not have benefited as much as some of its rivals from the short-term market and this could be the reasoning behind the introduction of the two niche loops.
但是,承运人将在有效“售罄”的租船市场中从何处获得两条额外航线的船只是Loadstar 向马士基提出的一个问题 ——但在发稿时,尚未得到回应。
马士基将其 700 艘船队中的一部分从利润较低的贸易重新部署到跨太平洋贸易,以确保获得额外的吨位。
根据eeSea的数据,2M在跨太平洋地区部署的船舶平均容量为10,029 teu。