Solid Import Volumes Still Flow Port of Long Beach长滩港的进口量依然强劲
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The head of the U.S.’s second-busiest container seaport said he has seen no letup in import volumes, though there may be some slowing in coming months as high inflation and growing services spending threaten to temper consumer demand for goods.美国第二繁忙的集装箱海港的负责人表示,他没有看到进口量减少,尽管未来几个月可能会有所放缓,因为高通胀和不断增长的服务支出可能会抑制消费者对商品的需求.
Port of Long Beach Executive Director Mario Cordero said the March total for containers moving through the port is looking “pretty good” and will be announced in the next couple of days.长滩港执行董事马里奥·科德罗(Mario Cordero)表示,3月份通过该港口的集装箱总量看起来“相当不错”,并将在未来几天内公布。
Long Beach and its slightly busier neighbor, the Port of Los Angeles, handle more than 40% of all container traffic into the U.S. The San Pedro Bay docks have faced congestion and equipment shortages as a crush of consumer goods caused queues to form off the coast. While the number of waiting ships has dropped by two-thirds from a record in January, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and soaring inflation are adding uncertainty to still-stretched global supply chains.长滩及其稍微繁忙的邻国洛杉矶港处理超过 40% 的运往美国的集装箱运输 圣佩德罗湾码头面临拥堵和设备短缺问题,因为大量消费品导致沿海地区排起长队. 虽然等待船舶的数量比 1 月份的创纪录水平下降了三分之二,但俄罗斯入侵乌克兰和飙升的通货膨胀正在给仍然紧张的全球供应链增加不确定性。
1.首先,上海的封控预计将持续到4月底。尽快上海港仍在运营,但由于缺乏卡车司机和严格的 Covid-19 检测规则,工厂只能推迟发货。当上海解除封锁时,将在 5 月的第一周左右出现出货高峰。
最后也是最重要的一点,航运公司将在与 BCO 和 NVOCC 谈判 2022 年合同期间利用其优势来维持运价水准。运价水准可能不会像 2021 年那么高,但肯定会高于 2020 年初的水准。我们甚至听说 BCO 在 2022 年从亚洲到美国西岸基本港签署了 11000 美元/40gp 的协议,以获得稳定的仓位分配。