模版一:刚发货后,提醒买家注意收货及收货后留好评(如果使用的挂号运输方式,如EMS或者DHL等) Dear Valued Customer, We are happy to inform you that your purchase has been dispatched! The typical time of arrival is between 7 and 10 days. If your item does not arrive within 10 days, please let us know. After your item has arrived, why not take a moment to leave positive feedback about our products and service? It only takes a moment, and it’s a great way to help others make purchases like yours! Thank you for your custom, and we look forward to providing you with the best buying experience again on AliExpress! Yours sincerely, Seller Name B.如果使用的是挂号大小包 Dear Valued Customer, We are happy to inform you that your purchase has been dispatched! The typical time of arrival is between 14 and 39 days. If your item does not arrive within 39 days, please let us know. After your item has arrived, why not take a moment to leave positive feedback about our products and service? It only takes a moment, and it’s a great way to help others make purchases like yours! Thank you for your custom, and we look forward to providing you with the best buying experience again on AliExpress! Yours sincerely, Seller Name Dear Valued Customer, Thank you for shopping on our store - we hope you are enjoying your purchase! Your shopping experience is very important to us and our business. We would like to invite you to leave positive feedback on our products and service. It only takes a moment, and it’s a great way to help others make purchases like yours! If you are unsatisfied with any aspect of our service, please contact us first so we can try to resolve your problem. Thank you for your custom, and we look forward to providing you with the best buying experience again on AliExpress! Yours sincerely, Seller Name Dear Valued Customer, Thank you for shopping on our store - we hope you are enjoying your purchase! Your shopping experience is very important to us and our business. We would like to invite you to leave positive feedback on our products and service. It only takes a moment, and it’s a great way to help others make purchases like yours! If you are unsatisfied with any aspect of our service, please contact us first so we can try to resolve your problem. Thank you for your custom, and we look forward to providing you with the best buying experience again on AliExpress! Yours sincerely, Seller Name A:如果收到好评,一定要对买家进行答谢,有助于买家再次转化: Dear Valued Customer, Thank you for your recent positive feedback! Your satisfaction is hugely important to us,and keeps us motivated to try harder for our customers! You can check out more great products from our store: www.storename.aliexpress.com We hope we’ll see you again on our store soon. Yours sincerely, Seller Name B:如果收到中差评,则一定要让买家说出不满意的地方及时弥补,并且可以引导买家修改评价: Dear Valued Customer, We are sorry to see that you left negative or neutral feedback relating to your recent purchase experience from our store. Please contact us at any time so we can find out why you were unhappy and resolve your problems. We hope then you can revise your feedback into a positive feedback for us! Yours sincerely, Seller Name. (本文来源:速卖通论坛,内容不代表本号观点,如有侵权,请及时与我们联系予以删除。)