Ocean Carriers to be Charged Daily Fee for Containers that Linger on Terminals
2021 年 10 月 27 日下午 12:15 更新:对于通过铁路运输的集装箱,如果集装箱停留六天或更长时间,则将向海运承运人收取费用。Updated Oct. 27, 2021, 12:15 p.m.: For containers moving by rail, ocean carriers will be charged if the container has dwelled for six days or more.
加利福尼亚州圣佩德罗 — 2021 年 10 月 25 日 —为了在拥堵和创纪录的货运量下改善货物运输,长滩和洛杉矶港口将开始评估海运承运人对停泊在海运码头的进口集装箱的附加费。
SAN PEDRO, Calif. — Oct. 25, 2021 — In an effort to improve cargo movement amid congestion and record volume, the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles will begin assessing a surcharge to ocean carriers for import containers that dwell on marine terminals.
根据新政策,港口将对属于两个类别之一的每个集装箱向海运承运人收费。对于计划通过卡车运输的集装箱,海运承运人将对每个集装箱停留 9 天或更长时间收取费用。对于铁路运输的集装箱,如果集装箱停留六天或更长时间,则将向海运承运人收取费用。从 11 月 1 日开始,港口将对这两个类别的货物向海运承运人收取每集装箱 100 美元的费用,每集装箱每天增加 100 美元。Under the new policy, the ports will charge ocean carriers for each container that falls into one of two categories. In the case of containers scheduled to move by truck, ocean carriers will be charged for every container dwelling nine days or more. For containers moving by rail, ocean carriers will be charged if the container has dwelled for six days or more. Beginning Nov. 1, the ports will charge ocean carriers with cargo in those two categories $100 per container, increasing in $100 increments per container per day.
“我们必须加快货物通过港口的流动,以减少停泊的船只数量,”洛杉矶港执行董事 Gene Seroka 说。“如今,我们码头上大约 40% 的集装箱分为两类。如果我们能够清理这些闲置货物,我们的码头将有更多空间来接受空箱、处理出口并为使用我们港口的广大货主改善流动性。”
“We must expedite the movement of cargo through the ports to work down the number of ships at anchor,” said Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Gene Seroka. “Approximately 40% of the containers on our terminals today fall into the two categories. If we can clear this idling cargo, we’ll have much more space on our terminals to accept empties, handle exports, and improve fluidity for the wide range of cargo owners who utilize our ports.”
长滩港执行董事马里奥·科德罗 (Mario Cordero) 表示:“随着离岸船舶积压不断增加,我们必须立即采取行动,促使集装箱从我们的海运码头迅速运走。” “码头空间不足,这将为停泊在那些船上的集装箱腾出空间。”“With the escalating backlog of ships off the coast, we must take immediate action to prompt the rapid removal of containers from our marine terminals,” said Port of Long Beach Executive Director Mario Cordero. “The terminals are running out of space, and this will make room for the containers sitting on those ships at anchor.”
“我支持洛杉矶和长滩港口今天采取的行动,向海运承运人收取滞留在海运码头的集装箱费用。这些行动旨在加快货物流动并减少我们港口的拥堵,”拜登-哈里斯供应链中断工作组的港口特使约翰·D·波卡里说。“随着我们的经济持续增长,大流行造成的需求增加和中断正在考验我们的供应链。尽管今年西海岸港口的吞吐量创下了新纪录,但我们需要整个供应链中的更多参与者来继续加强。联邦政府将继续将整个供应链中的私营公司和利益相关者聚集在一起,并充当诚实的经纪人,帮助提出此类解决方案以解决供应链中断问题。”“I support the actions taken by the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach today to charge ocean carriers for lingering containers on marine terminals. These actions aim to expedite the movement of goods and reduce congestion in our ports,” said John D. Porcari, Port Envoy to the Biden-Harris Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force. “As our economy continues to grow, increased demand and disruptions caused by the pandemic are putting our supply chains to the test. While we’ve seen new records set in terms of throughput this year at West Coast ports, we need more players throughout the supply chain to keep stepping up. The federal government will continue bring together private companies and stakeholders from across the supply chain and serve as an honest broker helping to surface solutions like this to address supply chain disruptions.”
在大流行引起的进口激增于 2020 年中期开始之前,平均而言,本地交付的集装箱在集装箱码头停留的时间不到四天,而发往火车的集装箱的停留时间不到两天。这些数字显着增加,使得从码头清理货物和将船只停泊在那里变得困难。Before the pandemic-induced import surge began in mid-2020, on average, containers for local delivery sat on container terminals under four days, while containers destined for trains dwelled less than two days. Those numbers have increased significantly, making it difficult to clear cargo off the terminals and bring in ships at anchor.
从住宅货物收取的费用将由两个港口重新投资,用于旨在提高效率、加快货物速度和解决整个圣佩德罗湾的拥堵影响的计划。Fees collected from dwelling cargo will be re-invested by the two ports for programs designed to enhance efficiency, accelerate cargo velocity, and address congestion impacts throughout the San Pedro Bay.
该政策是与拜登-哈里斯供应链中断工作组、美国交通部和多个供应链利益相关者协调制定的。The policy was developed in coordination with the Biden-Harris Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force, U.S. Department of Transportation and multiple supply chain stakeholders.
洛杉矶港和长滩港是美国最大的两个集装箱港口,分别是第一和第二,加起来是世界第九大港口综合体。流经圣佩德罗湾港口综合体的贸易到达全国的每个国会选区,并在全国创造了超过 300 万个工作岗位。The Port of Los Angeles and Port of Long Beach are the two largest container ports in the nation, first and second respectively, and combined are the ninth-largest port complex in the world. Trade that flows through the San Pedro Bay ports complex reaches every Congressional district across the country and generates more than 3 million jobs nationwide.