案例分析 最近和一个澳大利亚的老客户讨论如何建立网站
前2天,一个澳大利亚的老客户说希望重新做个网站, 还说希望直接用A公司的套用 ,我直接否定了她的想法,和她说可以借鉴但是不能简单的COPY. 一来一回,我把新学的思路和她说了一下, 她十分赞同,马上开始了行动, 期待她完成后的作品. (这里就不显示具体公司名字了)
Hi,Scott ,Great news I just bought my Domain name, XXXmuffler.com , I would like to use ANaNy flier to put as my website just change the colors of the equipment to red , and change xxx to xxx Let me know what you think.. my son is a graphic designer. But any help from your side would be greatfull.
Hi,Debra,long time,glad to know that you would like to build a new site, but i think just replace your logos and change the goods color from ANaNy is not good enough, you'd better combine with more your idea and others websites.like B pty ,C pty ,D pty.com
Am I competeing against other campanys websit now ,that you supply here. thanks
似乎接受了 我的观点, 开始研究同行的网站了
Scott, Perhaps i could make a high Quality xxxx supper quite muffler system, sell it under the my name. red in color . I will take the heat if there is a problem. no longer, I dont want to compete in price rather compete in QUALITY. 又过了两天她已经在考虑如何突出自己产品的优势了,
Hi,Debra ,this is a good starting,now you get more idea for your website,just go ahead !
Scott, do you have any good idea let the site looks more attractive to the customer ?
其实我对如何建站也没有什么专业的知识, 现在看来客户已经不仅仅是满足于做一个表面的框架了,还希望能吸引客户.
As good xxx company web in Australia. like ANaNy ,BNaNy, and CNaNy. you could find lots of common features on their website like
As few words as possible in homepage ------No bullshit,only talk real people ,real story
Fresh & Value----with Blog or news updates/ download knowledge PDF
CTA (call to action engage the customer)
links like "Buy it now " / "the most pop models"/"free shipping this month"with full SNS like---FB Linkedin ,G+ ,Twitter,Youtube for the products
Clear products channel like Products --for Work ,for Home ,for Play or DIY ,Commercial ,Professional
Color (all the website background color match the products & brand)
I hope above points could help you improve your job
Kind thoughs
说实话和她这么一说 ,似乎自己对网站思路也越来越清新了.
Wow....are you leaning the web design before ? you just like a wed designer. we'v got lots of work to do now ,thank you for everything .lets be unique and better..LOL
看到客户这么高兴,能感觉到他们做事的激情,想想自己有时候还是挺羡慕他们那样的, 总之我也很期待看到她UNIQUE的网站早日完成.