最近卖指尖陀螺(fidget spinners)的伙伴,很多都有收到以下电邮
Dear Seller,
We are contacting you because you are selling or have sold fidget spinners. As part of our ongoing efforts to provide the best possible customer experience, Amazon is implementing safety requirements for all fidget spinners offered on the site. To continue to sell existing fidget spinners, sellers have until July 28, 2017 to carry out testing and submit the information below. The safety requirement is now in effect forall new fidget spinner ASINs.
What is a fidget spinner?
A fidget spinner has two or more prongs with a bearing in its center circular pad. It can be made from a variety of materials including plastic, brass, stainless steel, titanium, and copper. The prongs may also be weighted with the same type of bearing. The device is often held between two fingers on the center pad, and spins around the center bearing.
How do I meet the safety requirements tosell fidget spinners?
Please submit the following information to child-safety@amazon.com from the email address associated with your seller account.
1. Your Company Name;
2. Your contact information (email address,phone number);
3. A list of fidget spinner ASINs that youare applying to sell;
4. One of the following: a) documents showing that you are the manufacturer of each of the ASINs you are applying to sell; or b) copies of invoices (or receipts) showing each of the ASINs from your supplier, issued within the last 365 days, showing the quantities purchased; and
5. For each ASIN, documents from a U.S.Consumer Product Safety Commission-approved Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) showing compliance with testing standard ASTM F963-16 for theU.S. marketplace.
Below please find a list of NRTLs who maybe able to help you with testing:
By applying to sell these products, you certify that all of the information you submit is true.
If you have any questions, please contactSeller Support for assistance.
Thank you,
Amazon Services
前四项要求应该都是卖家本身就有的东西,针对第五项要求玩具测试报告是一般卖家没有的。亚马逊要求卖家要提交一份符合美国玩具安全法规 ASTM F963-16 的测试报告,这个玩具安全法规是去年底修法,今年开始美国开始强制执行。要出口到美国的玩具,基本上都需要有一份 ASTM F963-16 的测试报告。法规的细节内容小伙伴们可以再自行百度下。
如果卖家本身不是厂商,而是自己向厂商批货来卖的,建议可以先问看看进货的厂商是不是有这个检测报告,如果厂商本身有将商品出口到美国可能就会有 ASTM F963-16 的测试报告。如果厂商没有,还想继续在亚马逊上面卖指尖陀螺的伙伴们,可能就需要考虑下弄个检测报告交给亚马逊了。亚马逊规定必须在 7/28 之前提交,否则有可能无法继续贩售指尖陀螺。
TUV Rheinland 这家测试厂商不但拥有五星好评(估计也有索取好评?),而且在中国还有服务据点和联系方式!是一家全球企业,有亚马逊的推荐也值得信任!
小编直接截取亚马逊的电邮内容,说明需要检测美国玩具安全法规 ASTM F963-16 的相关项目,出口国为美国。等厂商回复报价给我。
后来半小时内就收到报价了,这是只有依据商品图片提供的报价。最终报价还是需要收到检测物品后才能定价。总共 1420 RMB ,对于一般的小卖家是一笔不小的费用,指尖陀螺不知道要卖几个才能赚到检测费(欲哭无泪)
报价的电邮会有附件测试申请表,需要请厂商测试的话要填写申请表并且把测试商品(指尖陀螺)一起快递给他们。需要大约 5~7 天的工作天。
根据亚马逊电邮内容,确实是想要封杀指尖陀螺的。亚马逊玩具类热卖榜(Top 100)有 98% 都是指尖陀螺,因为指尖陀螺太红了,卖家们蜂涌而至的都想搭上这波热潮,导致指尖陀螺的商品质量良莠不齐,猜测亚马逊为了要管控指尖陀螺的商品质量,减少一些跟风却没有良好商品质量的卖家。
不提检测费用的话,小编对这家检测商服务体验挺好的,客服亲切有礼貌,又是亚马逊推荐有 资格的检测商,非常值得信任!