1.The screenshot of the chat record with the third party
2.The payment to the third party
Dear Sir or Madam,
Greetimgs from店铺名! Thank you for your concern about our account. We received your email that we attempted to harm othersellers or abuse their products or ratings in accordance with section 3 of Amazon's Business Solutions Agreement. We searchedhttps:/sellercentral amazon.co.jp/ gp help/G1801 on the internet and we found Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct and weknow that we are prohibited to damage or abuse another Seller,their listings or ratings. We are ashamed that we placed fake orders tohold competitor's inventory.
We fell sorry that we placed fake orders to hold competitor 's inventory which damaged or abuse another seller, their listings or ratingsWe apologize to this seller and you since we made inconveniences to you. By this mail, we provide POA for your check We are1ooking forward to hearing from you ASAP!
--The root cause(s) of violating the section “All sellers must: not attempt to damage or abuse another Seller, their listings orratings” in the Seller Code of Conduct.
来自店铺名的问候!感谢您对我们帐户的关注。我们收到您的电子邮件,称我们试图根据亚马逊商业解决方案协议的第 3 条伤害其他卖家或滥用他们的产品或评级。我们在互联网上搜索了 https://sellercentral amazon.co.jp/gp help/G1801,我们发现了销售政策和卖家行为准则,并且我们知道我们被禁止损害或滥用其他卖家、他们的商品或评级。我们为保留竞争对手的库存而下假订单而感到羞耻。
很抱歉,我们为保留竞争对手的库存而下的虚假订单损坏或滥用了其他卖家、他们的商品或评级我们向该卖家和您道歉,因为我们给您带来了不便。通过这封邮件,我们为您的支票提供 POA 我们期待尽快收到您的来信!
-- 违反《卖家行为准则》中“所有卖家必须:不得试图损害或滥用其他卖家、他们的商品或评级”部分的根本原因。
Impacted ASIN:
1.Afer receiving the Amazon notification email, we realized that place fake orders to hold competitor's inventory which is nowproved to be totally wrong and violated Amazon policy.All sellers must: not attempt to damage or abuse another Seller,theirlistings or ratings. We didn't pay attention to Amazon policies. We will reflect on our mistakes and study these policiescarefully.We have deeply realized our huge mistakes and under no condition should we use such incorrect ways to compete withour rivals.
2. We found Monika cross-border catch-up system ontaobao.com: htps;lshop224190765.taobao.com/?spm=a230:.7195193.1997079397.2.71ebse80CIkxp7 which is an Amazon smart catch-up system on 18"" oct and paid them700Yuan on taobao.com. They software system can restrict competitors who matched our products. Our salespersons are newoperators. When sales and turnover decline due to match sales, the ability to judge is lost. Thus used this illegal software. Weattached the screenshot of the chat record with the third party and the payment to them in the attachment.
受影响的 ASIN:
2.我们在淘宝网找到Monika跨境追赶系统:htps;lshop224190765.taobao.com/?spm=a230:.7195193.1997079397.2.71ebse80CIkxp7是亚马逊智能追赶系统18"" oct并付费他们700元在淘宝上。他们的软件系统可以限制匹配我们产品的竞争对手。我们的销售人员是新手。当销售额和营业额因匹配销售额而下降时,就失去了判断能力。从而使用了这个非法软件。在附件中附上了与第三方的聊天记录和支付给他们的截图。
3. We found that seller matched our ASIN: BO8GXXXXXand BOXXXXXX, so we used buyers' accounts to placed fake
orders on A.SIN: BOXXXXXX and BOXXXX for the sellers until there was no inventory for these ASINs in order to hold
his inventory. Then we canceled our orders placed on these ASINs for the account.
4.We are sorry that we were lacking of enough knowledge about Amazon Policy. We have to admit that we failed to payenough attention on learning your policy. We should have enhanced the importance of understanding your policies. In the future,we would certainly pay more time on your policies instead of focusing on damage or abuse another Seller, their listings orratings.
5. We use loopholes in the system to accomplish our own profitability goals. Staking is a normal seller behavior allowed byAmazon.After our products are sold, the first thing that comes to mind is not to improve the quality and competitiveness of ourproducts, but to restrict competitors and use false orders to maliciously attack our competitors. This is completely ignoringAmazon rules. the behavior of.
3. 发现卖家匹配了我们的ASIN:BO8GXXXXXX和BOXXXXXX,所以我们用买家账号下假
卖家在 A.SIN 上的订单:BOXXXXXX 和 BOXXXX,直到这些 ASIN 没有库存才能保留
他的库存。然后,我们取消了为该账户在这些 ASIN 上下的订单。
5. 我们利用系统中的漏洞来完成我们自己的盈利目标。Staking是亚马逊允许的正常卖家行为。我们的产品售出后,首先想到的不是提高我们产品的质量和竞争力,而是限制竞争对手,利用虚假订单恶意攻击我们的竞争对手。这完全无视亚马逊规则的行为。