据了解,按照惯例,欧洲发明专利申请的官方费用一般两年调整一次。据官网消息,2020年EPO作出了两项决定: 决定1:行政理事会于2019年12月12日做出的关于修改收费规则第2条和第7条的决定(CA / D 12/19)(Decision of the Administrative Council of 12 December 2019 amending Articles 2 and 7 of the Rules relating to Fees (CA/D 12/19)); 决定2:欧洲专利局局长于2020年1月29日作出了调整官费收费标准的决定 (Decision of the President of the European Patent Office dated 29 January 2020 revising the Officeꞌs fees and expenses)。 修订重点概述如下 1. 一般情况下,该费用上调幅度为4% - 5%。申诉费为特例,将从2255欧元上调至2705欧元。如果申诉方是自然人、中小企业和非盈利组织等,可以申请1955欧元的较低费用。 (Generally, the increase amounts to about 4 - 5%. A particular exception is the appeal fee which will increase from EUR 2255 to EUR 2705. For natural persons, SME's, non-profit organisations and the like, a lower fee of EUR 1955 will apply.) 2. 根据新的收费标准,年费也有所上调。和之前一样,第三年的年费可以在年费缴纳期限前6个月缴纳。第四年及之后的年费只能在年费缴纳期限前3个月缴纳。 (The renewal fees will also increase. As in the past, it will remain possible to validly pay the renewal fee for the third year as early as six months before its due date. No other renewal fees may be validly paid more than three months before they fall due.) 3. 新规定将于2020年4月1日起正式生效,对在4月1日及之后的支付具有约束力。如果在2020年4月1日起6个月内,按时缴纳费用,但只按2020年4月1日前标准金额缴纳的,在收到欧专局确认后2个月内,按照新标准补上差额的,视为有效支付。 (The new provisions will enter into force on April 1, 2020, and will be binding in respect of payments made on or after this date. If within six months from April 1, 2020, a fee is paid in due time but only in the amount due before April 1, 2020, that fee will be deemed to have been validly paid if the deficit is made good within two months of an invitation to that effect from the European Patent Office.) 4. 申请人在申请欧洲专利时,应当同时考虑到费用的上调。如果可以的话,应该考虑早日支付,例如提前提交专利申请或提前支付审查费。年费缴纳期限在4月、5月或6月的,如果在2020年3月之前缴纳,则仍可按现行标准。 (Applicants should take this fee increase into account in their filing strategy. An early payment (if possible) should be considered, for example, by filing a patent application at an earlier date or by paying the examination fee in advance. Renewal fees falling due in April, May or June 2020 may be validly paid at the current rate if these fees are paid no later than March 2020. ) 上述费率适用于2020年4月1日(含)之后缴纳的款项。因此,为了节省相关费用,申请人可以考虑在2020年4月1日之前缴纳相关费用。其缴费可在2020年4月1日前按规定完成的,只要在4月1日前完成缴费,则仍然按照当前的收费标准。 例如,维持费通常可在到期前的3个月内(第3年年费为到期前6个月内)缴纳,灵活应用该缴费窗口可以节省特定申请的维持费。对于维持费缴纳期限在2020年6月30日或更早的案子,其第4年维持费可在2020年4月1日前缴纳,仍将适用当前费率。如果在2020年4月1日后的6个月内按时缴纳,但是缴纳金额是按照现行费率缴纳的,EPO会发出补缴通知,在该通知发出2个月内补足金额的,视为按时缴纳。