第一种,违反亚马逊公平定价原则。 只要邮件中包含“price gouging”或者“Fair Pricing Policy”,那么账号就是违反了公平定价原则。 第二种,违反限制类或禁止类产品条例。 顾名思义,就是口罩在亚马逊该站点属于有条件限制出售,或严格禁止出售的产品
店铺都已经关了,什么原因是次要的,关键在于“能不能解封?” 首先可以说明的是,因为违反公平定价原则而关店的,基本都可以解封,除非是申诉次数太多导致错失机会或者重复关店导致。 其次,因为违反限制销售或者禁止销售条例而关店的,要分情况讨论: l 如果通知邮件中明确列出提供行动计划,则可以申诉; l 如果通知邮件中没有说要提供行动计划,而且说明要提供证据证明没有违规,则申诉机会渺茫,解封难度极大 违反公平定价如何申诉 两种策略,根据不同的原因选择不同的申诉策略。 如果产品定价并不高,而且产品质量优异采购成本本来就高,而且有真实的采购单或者发票 申诉策略就是指出亚马逊关店不合理,一条一条列出理由: (1)中国国内大部分生成厂家被政府征用,市场上供不应求,价格本来就比平常高出50%以上; Because of most manufacturers in China are requisitioned by the government, which leads the market is in short supply, and the price is more than 50% higher than usual. (2)由于航空物流管制,导致物流成本急速攀升,当前的物流成本比平常高出40%; Due to the aviation logistics control, the logistics costs have risen rapidly, and it is 40% higher than usual;
(3)由于疫情影响,口罩生产原料价格激增,而且中国国内工人未完全复工,人员成本上涨,最终导致口罩生产成本比平时高出60%以上; Due to the impact of the epidemic, the price of raw materials for face mask production has increased sharply, besides, the workers in China have not fully resumed, resulting in the production cost of face masks being more than 60% higher than usual; (4)为了美国消费者的利益,我们采购的KN95口罩是具有非常高的标准,有CE, FDA安全认证,质量在同类产品中处于顶端,采购价格也比普通口罩高出30%以上; For the benefit of American consumers, we only purchase the very high standards KN95 face masks, which are approved by the CE and FDA safety certifications. Compared other face masks in the market, we can sure that our quality is at the top , so, the purchase price is more than 30% higher than ordinary masks. 申诉信完成后,我又附上了采购单和发票,证明确实成本高昂
如果产品定价确实虚高。那么最好是在亚马逊还给你改过自新的机会的时候乖乖承认错误,保证不再违反。 那么,什么情况是违反公平定价原则的呢?亚马逊是这样规定的: • 为商品设置会误导买家的参考价; • 为商品设置过高的价格,使其明显高于亚马逊提供的当前价格;或 • 销售同一商品时,多件销售的价格比单件销售时高。 • 为商品设置过高的运费。 怎样申诉这一类违反公平定价的呢? 首先,承认错误。 (1)我不了解亚马逊对于公平定价的相关规定,导致给产品设置了明显不合理的价格; I don’t understand Amazon ’s policy on Fair Pricing, which resulted in obviously unreasonable prices for products (2)或者,运营人员因为操作失误,不小心错误设置了过高的价格; Due to the occasional operation error, my employee set excessively high price mistakenly. 其次,说明解决措施。 (1)我立即删除了所有错误的报价,并且设置了一个合理的价格; I immediately deleted all ASINs with wrong price, and set a reasonable price. (2)通过重新学习亚马逊对于公平定价的准则,我现在非常了解该如何给产品设置合理的价格; By learning Amazon ’s policy for fair pricing again, now I totally understand how to set reasonable prices for products. 最后,说明预防措施。 (1)以后发布产品前,我将严格检查产品说明,包括产品价格,图片,标题等等; Before releasing the product in the future, I will strictly check the product description, including product price, pictures, title, etc. (2)定期阅读亚马逊规则,保证时刻知晓亚马逊对于卖家的相关规定,保证不犯类似的错误; I will read Amazon ’s policy regularly to ensure that I am always aware of Amazon Seller Code , and I promise that I will not make similar mistakes again in the future