We did receive the sample and it does look okay.
We are now trying to figure out when it can fit into our plans.......as mentioned, we just received a large shipment from our current supplier.
想想看,不要高估了话术的作用,重要的是是否跟客户的需求契合。不如礼貌地祝福对方生意兴隆,很遗憾这次没能达成合作。当然还是要表达一下愿意跟客户有合作的意愿。(有些业务员看到客户这样回复就懒得回了,其实很多时候会错失一些机会,下面我会举例)然后定期跟进一下客户,了解一下下一次采购计划是什么时间,我们一定提前做好报价准备,争取能与您达成合作。在这之前,多通过视频,资料等方式让客户对你的产品或公司有更多维度的了解。除此之外,没有固定公式。上面谈到尽管暂时没能达成合作,你还是应该礼貌地感谢客户的回复和解释,以及表达愿意跟客户未来有合作的意愿。----------------------------------------Thank you for information.I discussed your products with my Board.Actually, we are quite interested in your products, but we have a lot of other open projects and investments for this year, so we decided to leave this topic aside and come back to it later in the future if we will be still interested.----------------------------------------这时候你不能不依不饶地仍然想成交,不然别人会觉得你是不是缺订单缺得急火攻心了。----------------------------------------It is a pity that we are unable to reach a further cooperation for the time being.According to the feedback from our company's sales department, just for your reference, the sales volume of xxxxxxxx (产品) in Europe is on the rise at present.Due to the pandemic, residents of many countries have begun to change their past consumption habits, increase their savings and purchase real estate, which will stimulate the demand for xxxxxxxx.However, we fully understand your considerations and thoughts. If you are interested in restarting this project in the future, please feel free to contact us.Hope to hear from you again in the near future.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------That is right and we already have a range of XXXXX products in our offer.It is very likely for us to visit China this year, so coming back to the topic is quite possible.----------------------------------------客户说今年很可能会来中国,很可能重启这个需求项目。那么后面要做的就是保持定期联系跟进一下客户,掌握一个合适的度就好。如果客户今年真的来中国,那么在面谈时争取能够给客户留下深刻印象,这样也就成功了一半。