The USPTO currently is planning to set or adjust trademark fees. Congress requires the relevant advisory Congress requires the USPTO to publish its proposed fees and supporting rationale in the Federal Register and give the public not less than 45 days in which to submit comments on the proposed change in fees. The Trademark Public Advisory Committee (TPAC) is to hold a public hearing about any proposed trademark fees, and the USPTO is required to assist TPAC in carrying out that hearing. Interested members of the public are invited to testify at the hearing and/or submit written comments about the proposed trademark fees.
Public hearing: September 23, 2019.
The public hearing will be available via Web cast.
Transcript of the hearing will be available on the USPTO internet website shortly after the hearing.
For those wishing to submit written comments on the fee proposal that will be published on or about September 9, 2019, but not requesting an opportunity to testify at the public hearing, the deadline for receipt of those written comments is September 30, 2019.
拟议的费用将于2019年9月9日公布在USPTO网站:www.uspto.gov/about-us/performance-and-planning/fee-setting-and-adjusting。未到听证会现场的公众可在2019年9月30日前提交书面意见至邮箱 TMFRNotices@uspto.gov。
We will keep you updated one the proposed trademark fee is published on USPTO.