如何下载TikTok US Shop的交易记录
登录您的TikTok Shop账户后台,点击【订单】→【订单管理】→【已完成】,无需筛选,点击【导出订单】即可
- 以下表头列为必需,缺失将导致整个文件无效,无法用于额度累计。第二行有时会有官方的字段说明(绿色底纹部分),如有请删除后再上传。
Order ID (表头必需) | Order Status (表头必需) | Order Substatus | Cancelation/Return Type | Normal or Pre-order | SKU ID | Seller SKU | Product Name (表头必需) | Variation | Quantity (表头必需) | Sku Quantity of return | SKU Unit Original Price | SKU Subtotal Before Discount | SKU Platform Discount | SKU Seller Discount | SKU Subtotal After Discount | Shipping Fee After Discount | Original Shipping Fee | Shipping Fee Seller Discount | Shipping Fee Platform Discount | Payment platform discount | Retail Delivery Fee | Taxes | Order Amount (表头必需) | Order Refund Amount | Created Time | Paid Time (表头必需) | RTS Time | Shipped Time | Delivered Time | Cancelled Time | Cancel By | Cancel Reason | Fulfillment Type | Warehouse Name | Tracking ID (表头必需) | Delivery Option Type | Delivery Option | Shipping Provider Name | Buyer Message | Buyer Username (表头必需) | Recipient | Phone # | Country | State | City | Zipcode | Detail Address | Additional address information | House Name or Number | Delivery Instruction | Payment Method | Weight(kg) | Product Category | Package ID | Seller Note | Shipping Information |
Platform unique order ID. | Current order status. | The filed to explain the order is in cancellation or in return/refund. | Platform SKU ID. | Seller sku input by the seller in the product system. | Platform product name. | Platform SKU variation | SKU sold quantity in the order. | SKU returned quantity in the order. | 1 SKU original price. | It equals to SKU Unit Original Price * Sku Quantity. | Total platform discount in this SKU ID. | Total seller discount in this SKU ID. | It equals SKU Subtotal Before Discount - SKU Platform Discount - SKU Seller Discount. | It equals to Original Shipping Fee - Shipping Fee Seller Discount - Shipping Fee Platform Discount. | The order's original shipping fee. | The order's shipping fee discount from the seller. | The order's shipping fee discount from the platform. | The discount provided by a third-party payment platform, which the buyer used to place the order. | Order total amount paid by the buyer. | Order total refund amount of all returned SKUs. | Order created time. | Order paid time. | The time when the seller clicks 'arrange shipment'. | The time when the order status changes to In Transit. | The time when the order status changes to Delivered. | The time when the order status changes to Cancelled. | The order is cancelled by whom. | The order cancel reason. | The order's tracking number. | The order's delivery option. | The order's shipping provider name. | The order's payment method. | SKU's product category. | The order's Package ID |
- 每列内容的规范如下,不符合规范的订单无法用于额度计算。
Order ID (表头必需) | Order Status (表头必需) | Order Substatus | Cancelation/Return Type | Normal or Pre-order | SKU ID | Seller SKU | Product Name (表头必需) | Variation | Quantity (表头必需) | Sku Quantity of return | SKU Unit Original Price | SKU Subtotal Before Discount | SKU Platform Discount | SKU Seller Discount | SKU Subtotal After Discount | Shipping Fee After Discount | Original Shipping Fee | Shipping Fee Seller Discount | Shipping Fee Platform Discount | Payment platform discount | Retail Delivery Fee | Taxes | Order Amount (表头必需) | Order Refund Amount | Created Time | Paid Time (表头必需) | RTS Time | Shipped Time | Delivered Time | Cancelled Time | Cancel By | Cancel Reason | Fulfillment Type | Warehouse Name | Tracking ID (表头必需) | Delivery Option Type | Delivery Option | Shipping Provider Name | Buyer Message | Buyer Username (表头必需) | Recipient | Phone # | Country | State | City | Zipcode | Detail Address | Additional address information | House Name or Number | Delivery Instruction | Payment Method | Weight(kg) | Product Category | Package ID | Seller Note | Shipping Information |
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