特别在互联网,文字是产品最重要的表现形式。读者通过文字了解你的所有信息 ,优秀的文字可以获得客户的信任、时间、精力、注意力、点击量甚至付款买单。
在这篇文章中,我们将使用 5C 原则来帮助你提升你的listing优化能力,产品描述的写作能力。他们是清晰(Clear)、简洁(Concise)、可信(Credible)、引人注目(Compelling)和号召性用语(Call to Action, CTA)。
Ecommerce personalization is the art of delivering a shopping experience that targets individuals. It allows you to be an active part of the customer journey and interact with customers throughout their journey, even online.
This helps increase revenue and conversions, as well as improve the customer experience. Personalization programs can yield 20% higher customer satisfaction rates and a 10-15% increase in sales conversion rates.Personalization is a vital part of an effective ecommerce marketing strategy. It allows you to run your digital marketing campaigns more efficiently. You won't waste money sending customers marketing material they are not interested in. It also allows you to direct your efforts in a way that will deliver results and create an interactive experience with your users.
电子商务个性化是提供针对个人的购物体验的艺术。它使您能够积极参与客户旅程,并在整个旅程中与客户互动,甚至在线。这有助于增加收入和转化率,并改善客户体验。个性化计划可以将客户满意度提高 20%,并将销售转化率提高 10-15%。个性化是有效电子商务营销策略的重要组成部分。它使您可以更有效地开展数字营销活动。您不会浪费金钱向客户发送他们不感兴趣的营销材料。它还允许您以一种能够交付结果并与您的用户创造互动体验的方式来指导您的努力
Personalization is vital to any ecommerce marketing strategy. By providing material catered to the individual, you avoid wasting resources on campaigns that don't work and create an interactive customer journey that yields results- like 20% higher customer satisfaction and 10-15% higher sales conversion rates.
个性化对于任何电子商务营销策略都至关重要。通过提供适合个人的材料,您可以避免在无效的营销活动上浪费资源,并创建交互式客户旅程,从而产生结果 - 例如客户满意度提高 20% 和销售转化率提高 10-15%。
一个视频剪辑器的文案:"Video Editing Software. Free Download. Easy Movie Editor."。“视频编辑软件。免费下载。简单的电影编辑器。”
一个网站的文案:"7 days. 7 dollars. Full access."“7 天。7 美元。完全访问。”
1. 去除多余或空洞的副词
Carefully curated 精心策划 → curated 策划 Stressful crisis 压力危机→ crisis 危机 Important priorities 重要优先事项 → priorities 优先事项 Over exaggerate 过度夸大→ exaggerate 夸大
Critically important 非常重要→ critical Powerfully effective 非常有效→ powerful Extremely helpful 非常有帮助→ helpful
Difficult situation 困难的情况下→ dilemma 困境 Tough spot 难点→ bind束缚 Specific group 特定细分群体→ niche 利基(市场) Small difference 差异小→ nuance 细微差别 Close connection 密切联系→ rapport 良好关系
常见的写法:Use these sporting goods so you can improve your workout.
可修改为:Use these sporting goods to improve yourworkout.
常见的写法:Stressing over deadlines is a thing we can relate to.
可修改为:We can all relate to stressing over deadlines.
常见的写法:With our Measuring device, you can really focus on metrics that matter.
可修改为: With our Measuring device, you can focus on metrics that matter.
Our trauma center uses minimally invasive techniques like laparoscopic surgery to shorten your recovery period.
With our in-house research teams and Harvard-trained surgeons, you can rest assured you'll get the highest quality of care.
坚固 Strong → 钛基 Titanium-based 耐用 Durable → 工业级 Industrial-grade 安全 Secure → NP2 加密 NP2-encrypted 经过训练 Trained → DSFA 认证 DSFA-certified 独特 Unique → 专有 Proprietary 安全 Safe → 阻燃 Flame-retardent