Facebook page怎么赚钱?
How can one earn money with a Facebook page?
Shubham Gupta, Blogger Answered Jun 2, 2017
通过脸谱网或任何其他社交媒体平台赚钱的方式有非常非常多,只要网页或者Page有足够数量的粉线好友。我会尽量让我的答案简短,并尽可能涵盖所有可能的,可以通过facebook Page赚取Money的方式。
1. Drive traffic to a website : This is the most common way of earning. Build a website for your page and then drive traffic to your web by sharing the links of the articles on your page. You can monetize the website with Google Adsense or any other Ad network and earn money. Like the Sarcasm(https://www.facebook.com/sarcasmLOL/) page on facebook has their website (http://sarcasm.co/) and they share the links of the articles on their page to drive traffic.
简单的说,就是制作一下纯流量的网站,聚合型内容的网站,比如:viralnova.com https://www.mensxp.com/ 这种类型的,因为浏览巨大,facebook上面的转发分享也会比较多,会很快的拥有巨大的浏览,有些网站的比例可以高达50%以上都是来源于facebook网站的,然后放置像Google adsense一样的联盟获取佣金,当然其他国外的CJ,Amazon之类的,也是可以的。
2. Become a Social Media Influencer : An Influencer is an individual, who has above average impact on social media and who can influence a customer’s purchase decision. There are so many brands out their who are interested in advertising their products and services and also there are several platforms which connects brands with social media influencers. One such platform and my favorite is Famebit.(https://famebit.com/)
另外一种 就是成为一个媒体影响人,其实这个比较类似于做测评之类的吧,或者叫个人自媒体人,这样的好处可以获取到很多赞助和佣金之类的。也有人会选择投放广告的,但是关键还是要有粉丝,要有影响力。
除了FAMEBIT,还有很多其他平台,如Grapevine, Instabrand , payperpost etc.等。
3. Affiliate Marketing : If your facebook page is niche specific and is targeted then you can earn money through affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is an old form of marketing, where you refer a person to a product available online, and the person buys that product, based on your recommendation. You get a commission for every sale that comes from your affiliate link.
4. Selling Your own product : You can even sell your own product on your facebook page. It could be a customized t-shirt, Mug, Poster etc. There are many pages on facebook doing this , let me show you an example :
5. Sign Up on a PPC network : Pay-per-click or Cost per click (CPC) is an internet advertising model, used to direct traffic to websites, in which the advertisers pays to the publishers when the ad is clicked. There are many networks out there like viral9 , Revcontent etc. Sign Up on these networks, share their content on your page and earn money. If your fans are from Tier 1 countries like USA/Uk/CANADA etc then you can earn good :)
这个主要是讲PPC点击广告,国外会有这样的平台,比如:viral9 , Revcontent etc等,只需要去注册好账号,那么发布他们的广告,别人点击了广告,你就可以收钱了。如果你的粉丝,主要是欧美人的话,单价还是可观的哦。
6. Give Shoutouts to smaller Pages : When your facebook page grows big enough, then people contacts you to promote their pages for some amount of money. Many pages on Instagram are already making Good amount of money through shoutouts and same can be done on facebook too!
还有就是,当你的facebook page越来越强大时,自然就会有人来找你付钱了,就像网红电商一样,只要你的粉丝,有号召力,钱自然不在话下,钱会追着你跑的,这个就是,有名即有钱。
以上这些就是facebook上面的赚钱之道和行之有效的方法,但是,请一定要注意,你首先是要专注于建立一个facebook page,然后再是寻找赚钱方式,你应该要提供高质量的内容,而不仅仅是分享链接,这个内容不一定是原创。人们喜欢的是你分享的内容,而且不是你分享的购买链接和产品信息,以及与page无关的内容。
I hope my answer was to the point!